
Branding Partnership

As a freelance artist, I am always looking to secure multiple streams of income. Over the past week, I spent a great deal of time reaching out to companies in partnership. These companies make a lot of the supplies that I use and love. To my surprise, one of my favorite companies emailed me back this morning and will be bringing my request to their team. I'm so excited to potentially be working with my favorite company in a branding partnership! 

Freelance Artist

 When I am not working as a social media coach, I enjoy creating artwork. I probably draw and sew for about 4 hours per day. It has been my hobby for over 6 years and has turned into my part-time job.  My style is similar to old Disney animation, which is something that has inspired me ever since I was young. I enjoy creating online courses and relatable art videos for my followers online.

How I use IT in my daily life

As a social media coach, information technology maintains a consistent presence in my daily activities. I use Excel spreadsheets to organize my client base. It's where I keep all of their information including names, payments, etc. I also use Convert kit to grow and maintain my email list. Even though I just started email marketing, this system has already been so helpful. 

Who Am I

 My name is Madi, and I am a digital marketing major at The University of North Georgia. I live in North Georgia with my husband and enjoy homemaking, hiking, running, and sewing. I also work as a freelance artist and social media coach to help small businesses grow on social media.   Here  is a link to my profile! I've also attached an image of one of my free resources. I hope to be a stay at home mom after I finish school.